The Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning is earned by successfully completing an individualized program of study, including a three-credit Practicum in College Teaching through the University of Kentucky Graduate School.
I completed the following coursework while earning the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning:
College Teaching and Learning
A study of all phases of instruction at the college level. The course will include methods and principles of teaching, utilization of materials in teaching, a consideration of the teaching-learning process as it relates to the individual student, and the evaluation of student progress. A comprehensive course for prospective college teachers.
History of Higher Education
Social and institutional history of higher education which will include selected topics in European culture and education and which will emphasize the development of the American culture and university.
Instructional Technology
Future faculty can expect traditional instructional practices to be impacted by the growth and development of instructional technologies. This course prepares graduate students to evaluate instructional technologies and to determine the best way to deploy them in different instructional contexts and for different pedagogical goals.
Preparing Future Faculty
Preparing Future Faculty is designed to introduce graduate students to the roles and responsibilities of faculty and the variety of
institutional types where faculty serve. Students will focus on the academic expectations, institutional identities, and particular policies and procedures that characterize different types of institutions of higher learning. Skills to help students apply for positions and achieve success in their appointments will also be addressed.